| 29. 3. 2016 : Introductory meeting of the projectIntroductory meeting of the project was held on 29. 3. 2016 at the Karst Research Institute in Postojna. Project partners, the municipalities of Postojna and Pivka representatives and the KOVOD representatives attended the meeting.
| 21. 6. 2016 : Setting up the network of additional monitoring points ...In the initial months of the project, setting up the network of additional monitoring points at selected springs, swallow holes and caves has been going on. Continuous measurement of temperature, pressure (level) and the conductivity of water are predicted at more than 20 locations.
(Photo: Matej Blatnik)
| Summer 2016: Identification and characterisation of springs on Planina PoljeOn different springs at the edge of the Planina Polje measurements of physio-chemical parameters have been done. Samples of water were taken into the laboratory for further analysis.
| September/October 2016: Discharge measurementsMeasurements of the discharge were conducted on several surface streams and also in the cave of Planinska jama using SonTek FlowTracker2.
(Photo: Nataša Ravbar & Matej Blatnik)
| 23. 9. 2016: Field trip to Skrivnostno jezero (Mysterious Lake) in the cave of Planinska jamaData Loggers (measuring water temperature, conductivity and level) were installed at the end of the Skrivnostno jezero of the Planinska jama.
(Foto: Blaž Kogovšek)
| Winter 2016/2017: The beginning of collected measurements analysesDry period of December 2016 enabled the collection of data of some surface and underground streams. The measurements were examined and graphically displayed. The first analyses were also made.
| March 2017 – March 2018: Numerical modelling of the Javorniki karst aquiferThe research of the aquifer dynamics by means of numerical modeling is based on the input data of the detailed monitoring of water properties at various water points of the aquifer system. The biggest challenge represents the modeling of the flow bifurcation between the Unica and Malenščica springs.
| March - June 2017: Continuing of Discharge measurementsMeasurements of the discharge were again conducted on several surface streams and in the cave of Planinska jama using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and salt –dillution method.
(Photo: Nataša Ravbar & Blaž Kogovšek)
| 17. 6. 2017: Cave Dive in the Planinska jama and field survey of surface waters
With a help of the Rakek Caving club members a field trip to the Rak branch of the Planinska jama has been organized. Diver Sebastjan Gantar dived into the syphon and placed data loggers into the Javorniki flow. At the same time we collected data from previously installed data loggers in the Planinska jama, and conducted a field visit of all water points between the Ljubljanica springs, Planinsko polje, Rakov Škocjan and Cerknica Lake.
(Photo: Franci Gabrovšek)
| 18. 7. 2017 in 15. 8. 2017: Two dives in the cave of Matijeva jamaWe organised two diving actions in the cave of Matijeva jama. Sebastjan Gantar, the diver from the Rakek Caving club, extended the cave by 150 meters in length and 44 meters in depth. He also helped collecting the data from data loggers.
(Photo: Blaž Kogovšek)
| July – September 2017: Visit of the cave of ŠkratovkaManual measurements of the water electrical conductivity and temperature were made. We installed two automatic data-loggers for water electrical conductivity and temperature in both syphons of the cave.
(Photo: Shirin Bahadorinia)
| 28. 7. 2017: Visit of the cave of Tkalca jamaAn additional observation point was established in our monitoring network that will help us with the numerical modelling of the aquifer behaviour.
(Foto: Blaž Kogovšek)
| Summer / Autumn 2017: Overview of the borehole operability above the Planinska jamaThe possibility of restoring the functioning of the borehole is in the process.
(Photo: Nataša Ravbar & Blaž Kogovšek)
| September 2017: Sampling and analysis of water quality during the flood pulseDuring the rainfall, which followed a long lasting drought, we sampled and analyzed the water quality in very short time intervals at six water points (ponors, water caves, springs) in order to monitor the contaminants transport through the karst underground.
(Photo: Matej Blatnik)