

WP 0: Project management (M 1-36)

A 0.1 Introductory technical meeting (M 3)

A 0.2 Project website (M 1-36)

A 0.2 Administrative, research and financial management (M 1-36)

A 0.4 Final public presentation of project achievements (M 36)


WP 1: Characterization of the aquifers (M 1-18)

A 1.1 Collection of the existing data (M 1-6)

A 1.2 Additional field work (M 3-18)


WP 2: Development and application of the method for quantity and quality assessment of karst water resources (M 6-24)

A 2.1 Design of 3D model of the studied karst aquifer within the Geomodeller software (M 6-18)

A 2.2 Generalisation and adoption of a 3D model with numerical models (ModFlow-Nonlinear Flow Package, FEFlow) to simulate the groundwater flow and transport on a field scale (M 12-18)

A 2.3 Application of the model, its improvement on the basis of new data, and validation (M 18-24)

A 2.4 Development of methodological approaches for characterization of karst water sources (M 18-24)


WP 3: Selection and detailed characterization of the most promising areas (M 18-36)

A 3.1 Assessment of water reserves and drainage paths within the karst aquifer, and selection of the most promising area for further research (M 18-24)

A 3.2 Detailed geological, geomorphological, speleological and hydrogeological mapping of the selected area, construction of exploration boreholes and borehole logging (M 18-36)


WP 4: Integrated strategy of water supply (M 24-36)

A 4.1 Characterization of the selected water source and planning of its exploitation (M 24-36)

A 4.2 Expert basis for protection of the selected water source (M 30-36)


WP 5: Dissemination of knowledge and presentation of data (M 1-36)

A 5.1 Knowhow transfer to co-financer (M 1-36)

A 5.2 Presentation of results to professional and general public (M 12-36)















A 0.1



A 0.2






A 0.3







A 0.4



A 1.1




A 1.2








A 2.1







A 2.2






A 2.3






A 2.4






A 3.1






A 3.2







A 4.1






A 4.2





A 5.1



A 5.2